Vital Signs Needs Assessment: Shape Our Community’s Future!

About the Vital Signs - Needs Assessment

Vital Signs uses local knowledge to measure the vitality of our community and support action towards improving collective quality of life.

Local data gathered through the program is used to support evidence-based, locally-relevant solutions to improve the quality of life at the community level.

Vital Signs aims to inspire civic engagement, to provide focus for public debate, and to help a range of actors take action and direct resources where they will have the greatest impact.

Initiatives Top Image


Vital Conversations

Participate in this initiative between July 5 and August 18 for a chance to participate in our Design Lab, and to win a $100 gift card - all you have to do is complete the survey today.

Design Lab

Once the survey closes, we will be hosting a community Design Lab, to review the data collected, discuss strategies for responding to the results, and ways in which we can collectively address gaps. More details to come.

What we'll learn

Local data gathered through the program is used to support evidence-based, locally-relevant solutions to improve the quality of life at the community level. Improve your community, participate now.

Vital Signs Report

In November, we will release a report to the community based on what we have learned and recommendations for next steps.

Community Leadership Committee

Powered by Westlock Community Foundation

A group of local leaders have been brought together to form the Community Leadership (Vital Signs) Committee. This group is helping to steer the project, and oversee the success of implementation of the recommendations.

Committee Member Organizations Include:

Westlock & District FCSS

Hope Resource Centre

Healthy Families, Healthy Futures

WIN (Westlock Independence Network)

Westlock Child Care Society

Town of Westlock

Village of Clyde

Westlock County

Bridging the Gap

In 2022, Westlock & District FCSS undertook a similar initiative, and developed a report entitled "Bridging the Gap". The Vital Signs Community Leadership Committee is using this report as a baseline for developing, measuring, and reporting on the the results of this community survey and data collection. The participate in the survey, click below.