Westlock Community Foundation delivers $210,000 to community

Today, Westlock Community Foundation is pleased to announce $210,000 in funding to support nine organizations in Westlock and region, through the Government of Canada’s Community Services Recovery Fund. This money would not have been made available to the nine organizational recipients had the Westlock Community Foundation not existed, so it’s a major win for our region.
The Community Services Recovery Fund is a one-time investment of $400 million to help community service organizations (charities, non-profits, Indigenous governing bodies) adapt, modernize, and be better equipped to improve the efficacy, accessibility, and sustainability of the community services that they provide through the pandemic recovery and beyond.
The following projects are being supported in Westlock and region:
$47,000 | Barrhead FCSS : To improve programs, services, and internal capacity building;
$13,400 | Westlock Golf Club: To modernize communications systems;
$20,000 | Westlock Community Hall: To re-energize and promote events;
$12,250 | Healthy Families, Healthy Futures: To improve and expand service delivery and accessibility;
$15K | Tawatinaw Valley Ski Club: To improve communications and community engagement;
$40K | Fawcett Ag Society: To improve communications and community engagement;
$40K | Westlock Tractor Museum: To improve Westlock Heritage sustainability;
$12,350 | Westlock Cultural Arts Theatre Society: To improve the sound system and audience experience; and,
$10k | Jarvie Community Centre: To improve community connection through technology accessibility.
Community service organizations are at the forefront of addressing communities’ needs. Since the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, they have struggled with increased demand for their services, reduced revenues, declines in charitable giving due to the rising cost of living, and a greater need to make use of digital tools. Many organizations are struggling to recover and adapt their services to the changing needs of Westlock and area.